

Segundo conversas que tive no twitter, acredito que forlan jogará no são paulo. Segue conversas:

@antoniovv Antonio Vázquez
En Brasil se insiste una y otra vez en que Diego Forlán va a fichar por el Sao Paulo en las próximas semanas.

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@antoniovv Y no lo hace?

@antoniovv Antonio Vázquez
@ChristhLopes Yo creo que sí, que se anuncia en un mes más o menos.

@manuky17 manu
@ChristhLopes Juventus will play 15 million euro my friend. Do u think atletico will give him free? he has contract until 2014. IMPOSSIBLE

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@manuky17 Friend, I do not know, after the president has hired Luis Fabiano, everything is possible for Sao Paulo.
hace 11 horas

@manuky17 manu
@ChristhLopes and i dont want forlan next year in my team, and he also doesnt want so...he wont be..the only thing is to know where he''ll go
hace 11 horas

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@manuky17 From what they say here in Brazil, he would already be settled.

@manuky17 manu
@ChristhLopes dont think so.. but we will see!! nice to meet you. Forza Atletico de madrid!!!! and also Sao Paulo, the BIG team of Brazil

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@manuky17 Sao Paulo is the European club in Brazil. Lugano may be coming too, and maybe Kaka in the middle of the year ... Forza SPFC !

@manuky17 manu
@ChristhLopes Lugano.. Big deffender, that can be.. But in turkey is earning 3.5 million per year, thats why he still playing there

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@manuky17 A director from within the SPFC says that he is right in sao paulo. Cleber Santana and he said well good to Forlan on the SPFC

@ChristhLopes Christh Lopes
@manuky17 Sources say that the SPFC will give by loan of Casemiro, a revelation of the base and still pay a financial sum for Atletico.

É isso ai, será que eele chegará no spfc?

@ChristhLopes - sigam :D

Avalie: 6 5

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