
Palmeiras, São Paulo e Flamengo abrem suas portas para clubes do RS.

Palmeiras, São Paulo, and Flamengo have come together this Tuesday to offer their facilities to the clubs from Rio Grande do Sul so they can train while the situation of the floods in the state does not normalize. The teams demonstrated solidarity and compassion for the tragedy caused by the heavy rains in the region. Flamengo will make the CT George Helal (Ninho do Urubu) available. Palmeiras is offering the Academia de Futebol, Allianz Parque, and Arena Barueri. Lastly, São Paulo is providing accommodations at the CT de Cotia and MorumBIS. Additionally, other clubs like Corinthians and Santos also made their stadiums and training centers available. In Santa Catarina, Figueirense announced that the stadium Orlando Scarpelli is also at the disposal of the clubs from Rio Grande do Sul.

As representatives of Flamengo, Palmeiras, and São Paulo, the presidents Rodolfo Landim, Leila Pereira, and Julio Casares met to discuss new actions of support for the clubs from Rio Grande do Sul during this difficult time in the state's history. The three teams strongly believe that the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) can also make Granja Comary available as another shelter location for the clubs from Rio Grande do Sul, among other forms of support. They are confident that Brazilian football will continue to unite in solidarity with the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

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Comentários (8)
08/05/2024 08:25:58 SteveWonderoOlheiro

rsrs... SPNET esta ajudando o povo a praticar o ingles agora? uau! SPNET tbem eh cultura! kkkk

08/05/2024 08:00:40 Paulo Kuster

mais que bosta

08/05/2024 05:43:24 Gil de Castro

além de usarem Google pra escrever estão usando pra traduzir tbm,manda os estagiários embora e deixa só Google fazendo as matérias

08/05/2024 02:01:47 Paulo Roberto Miranda

Estados Unidos do Rio Grande do Sul da América!

07/05/2024 23:56:22 Pein Nagato

nível do site, um lixo parte 4, de hoje.

07/05/2024 22:46:53 Paulo Carmo

está em inglês pq Rio Grande do Sul pertence aos EUA

07/05/2024 21:39:52 fernando mauro Loosli

porque o estagiário foi promovido

07/05/2024 21:38:13 Celso Caetano David

porque tá nessa língua essa porcaria

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